ArcFusion Data Stories

Empower your organization
with the right information
anytime, anywhere

Real-time data stories presents only the most important
and relevant data for you to make decisions.

Ask Anything

Replies are based on your enterprise data, giving you insights in seconds:

  • Stories in a relevant context

  • Interpretation derives from your own data

  • AI-driven suggested action plans

Dig deep with follow-up questions

Continue to ask questions through a familiar chat interface for further analysis.

Data stories are assets you can share

Found an interesting trend? Send them over to your colleagues to inspire more ideas.

Out of ideas? Check out the latest data stories

The system is proactive and informs you about relevant changes in performance tailored to your needs. Stories are clearly presented and easy to navigate, providing just the right amount of information in easily digestible snippets.

Get updates and make decisions on the go

ArcFusion is available on mobile, ensuring your constant access to relevant information. Any significant growth or anomalies will instantly be notified.

Ready to revolutionize the way you make decisions?